Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Favorite Sayings

So I’m sure all of our mom’s told us to look both ways before crossing the street.  Well after a day walking the streets of downtown Amman they would have told us, “Look both ways, and never do it with an Egyptian.”  I toured downtown with my Egyptian friend and found he didn’t exactly wait for an opening in the traffic before crossing.   In fact, much of the time we abandoned the side-walks altogether to instead mix and mingle with the tangle of cars, buses, and taxis.  Apparently in his mind the pedestrian lane resided smack between the rush of oncoming traffic.

“With a 50 dinaar bill in your pocket you can starve to death on the streets of Zarqa.”  Daily purchases look a bit different here.  Credit cards or checks?  Forget about it.  And outside of three local grocery stores anything over a 10 JD bill likely won’t do you much good.  Here coins and small bills run the daily exchange. 

So I hear it doesn’t get much crazier than the mix of traffic and people on the streets of Cario.  A local taxi driver told a friend of mine the way to cross the street in Cario, “Is to close your eyes.  Pray to Allah.  And walk like an Egyptian.”

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